


Well, I found this out through Wikipedia, it says that is a 1994 English-language French thriller film written and directed by Luc Besson. The story is mainly about a hitman, Leon and Mathilda, a 12-year-old girl who is taken in by the hitman after her family is murdered.

I don't like to see the pictures of stained-blood, gun and violence actually, it makes me feel bad and uneasy. Well luckily the film isn't full of these pictures, it still have the warmness of love and companion.






I'm not sure about this, but the film keep makes me think about the theme of loneliness. Leon, the hitman is lonely before Mathilda pops out in his life. He only has a friend, who's the greenery plant which grows in a pot. While Mathilda lives in a family that is so complicated and lack of love and hope, before knowing Leon, her life is dull and grey, she even thinks of trying to kill her father in the future. Without a friend, Leon don't have any companion in his life (although he had in love and hurt by someone else before), neither nor Mathilda, her father thinks that she is a teen with behavior problem (which makes she feels bad and dislike her life so much), she lives in a desperate mode.

Lonely accompanies everyone, until you found someone, and open your heart for the only one. You will let the only one who knows you well enter your life, and since then, your life, somehow lights up and everything turns colorful, and that's what happen to Leon and Mathilda. Leon somehow sees himself in Mathilda's personality, maybe the toughness or the fragile part of human being, and maybe the shadows of loneliness both of them have.






I personally thinks that the grennery plant, which is Leon's only friend (before Mathilda shows up in his life) symbolizes something, perhaps it symbolizes hope and friendship, and the most important thing of all, the greatness of love. Leon always put the plant under the sun by the window, he says that the plant is a great friend, it always happy and doesn't ask any questions to annoy him, just like himself.

That's what he need, a quiet companion, a simple love, to light up his dull life. Before he died, he passes on the plant to Mathilda, which makes me even confirm that the plant did symbolize something, the hope and the power of love. Mathilda takes the greenery plant and try to live her own life, and now, the plant is her only friend. What a sad ending don't you think? (sigh)



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